Sartell Stone Poneys

Stats (Leaders) - 2013

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 10 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium lee torborg
Lee Torborg
1. Lee Torborg .500
2. Jim Gabrielson .375
3. Rob Gabrielson .294
4. Sean Tillman .235
5. Austin Timm .188
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium lee torborg
Lee Torborg
1. Lee Torborg .500
2. Jim Gabrielson .400
3. Jason Janzen .364
4. Austin Timm .316
5. Luke Smoley .312
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium rob
Rob Gabrielson
1. Rob Gabrielson .529
2. Lee Torborg .500
3. Jim Gabrielson .375
4. Sean Tillman .353
5. DJ Argetsinger .214
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium lee torborg
Lee Torborg
1. Lee Torborg 1.000
2. Rob Gabrielson .824
3. Jim Gabrielson .775
4. Sean Tillman .588
5. Austin Timm .503
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Jason Janzen 3
2. Austin Timm 2
3. Luke Smoley 2
4. Jordan Clitty 2
5. Spencer Timm 2
Note: A minimum of 3 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium rscn3098
Alex Lotthammer
1. Alex Lotthammer 1.53
2. Rob Gabrielson 3.86
3. Jordan Clitty 7.15
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium rscn3098
Alex Lotthammer
1. Alex Lotthammer 1.30
2. Rob Gabrielson 1.71
3. Jordan Clitty 2.12
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Medium rscn3098
Alex Lotthammer
1. Alex Lotthammer 13.25
2. Jordan Clitty 3.97
3. Rob Gabrielson 3.86
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.